Profile Sectors

Our Company is highly experienced in the design and construction of solutions supporting the growth potential of companies in the industrial sector. Our strategic aim is to raise the effectiveness of works and the effectiveness of machine and device usage, introducing innovative solutions for complicated technological lines while maintaining environmental safety standards. Companies implementing our design solutions achieve improved effectiveness and productivity, and lower strategic risks accompanying all business endeavours. We treat each individual task as an individual priority. This allows us to design, modernise, and deliver installations and industrial devices at the quality level comparable with the highest standard of solutions offered outside of Poland.

We perform specialized diagnostic services, renovation services, assembly and modernisation services for power stations, combined heating and power plants, and other companies in the power industry. In the process of diversifying our profile we developed innovative methods and gathered valuable experience, which now allows us to take on contracts also from the heavy industry, and the petrochemical and chemical sector.

We are highly experienced in the serial production of details and components for the railway and automotive industries, including welded steel constructions, and in unit production of components and specialized equipment for the power and industry sector.

As part of our contracts with business partners we service installations and devices, as well as provide operational services for technical installations and technological lines located at industrial and power facilities.

We perform design works and completion works in all sectors connected to modernisation of heating systems, particularly in the area of modernisation and building of steam and water boiler rooms, heating networks, central heating installations, hot water circulation, ventilation and air conditioning, and station heating centres.

We are currently working on a project aimed to lower the emission of air pollutants by increasing the availability of net heating. We developed a form of a complex power service which manages heat trading, based on agreements we signed with our business partners (Developer/Manager/Owner of the facility). This allows us to offer supervision, performance, and support during the process of connecting a facility to a distributing heat network, as well as to perform formal and legal tasks as well as design and execution works, followed by delivering heat. We also take over accounting, debt recovery and the servicing of assets, devices and heating installations. Additionally, our system of managing heat trading allows to bill the costs directly for individual users on the basis of monthly VAT invoices.

We have been cooperating with CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) on a number of projects. Since 2002 we have been actively taking part in international tenders for the execution of works for foreign entities. As part of our exportation tasks we worked on, for instance, renovations of petrochemical installations in refineries in the Czech Republic and Israel, as well as on deliveries of welded components and details for the railway industry.

ZEC SERVICE Sp. z o.o.


ul. Łowiecka 24
50-220 Wrocław
tel. 71 32 38 650
tel. 71 32 38 660

Anna Szajgin-PopielewskaProfile Sectors