Health and Safety Management System

Interview with Krzysztof Dreko, Chief Executive Director of ZEC SERVICE Sp. z o.o. [l.l.c.]

Krzysztof Dreko:systemic action taken at ZEC SERVICE in the process of forming workplace safety conditions are related to the growing body of law as well as economic and environmental factors surrounding the topic, which directly affect the Company. Until 2010 the Company complied with rules and norms resulting from Polish law and EU directives, particularly 89/391/EWG related to the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work. We decided to take action that will limit or eliminate occupational hazards in the workplace, while aiming to completely eliminate workplace accidents and occupational hazards related to the workplace. That was when we decided to begin working on the shape of the current model of managing resources and activities aimed at improving workplace safety.

K.D.: in August 2010 we began an external audit to introduce proper workplace organization. In September we were handed in the conclusions of the safety audit, the implementation of which was to ensure immediate fulfilment of the required safety standards. In November we became fully engaged in activities improving safety, for instance in the form of procedural works on safety improvement programme under the working title of “Zero Accidents”. In November we introduced a system of workshops concerned with general rules for managerial employees, and we formed the Safety Committee whose first task was to improve safety on the premises of the Company’s facilities and investment locations, thus correcting discrepancies between regulations then in force. Towards the end of November 2010 we introduced a complete safety programme, the Awareness Programme, along with its cardinal rules which are still in force today. You can therefore say that since 2011 we have been constantly introducing actions aimed at improving the resource and action management system aimed at improving workplace safety.

K.D.: we introduced a stage-based implementation procedure. First, we gathered knowledge about potential workplace hazards in the whole organization, particularly focusing on task division and responsibility levels at different positions. We then set general and cardinal rules which were written into detailed procedures dedicated to a given stage of current investments. The next stage involved designing a workshop programme compatible with the requirements of work stations. The programme we developed is cyclical: leaders of work groups meet with employees once a month, whereas department leaders see employees once per year quarter. During these meetings they discuss issues related to workplace safety. Additionally, particular employee groups are offered workshops raising their qualifications, which allows us to continuously verify the qualifications held by employees in relation to both general legal and company-internal regulations connected to work stations. We also put great emphasis on motivating employees to cooperate with lead executives of given contracts on workplace safety policy. Once a year we hold compulsory workplace safety workshops for all employees working blue-collar jobs; these workshops relate the results of periodic general supervision, present changes introduced to the framework system, and inform about changes to duties that stem from these. We also devote some time to documented potential accidents which we discuss, and the conclusions of these discussions are written into detailed instructions dedicated to a given work station. Finally, through presentations we also remind the attendees about how to deliver first aid, and then ask each employee to participate in a refresher course under the eye of a medical professional to make sure their first aid skills are up to date.

K.D.: in order to improve the flow of information within the system as well as between the system and the surroundings we engaged a safety service. Their task is the analysis of contracts under execution through cyclical audits. This allows statistically structuralized conclusions to be implemented continuously, and any incongruities corrected. This means that all detailed procedures are being continuously updated. Each month we perform about 60-70 activities monitoring each stage of the organization of works in all current projects. Additionally, in accordance with one of the components of the „AWARENESS” programme we organize a so-called ‘safety moment’, which begins daily morning management meetings. During these meetings each attendee delivers a presentation on various aspects of both workplace and everyday life safety. Thus, all employees of the Company are engaged in the maintenance of the safety system. For us, the system is first and foremost one of awareness.

K.D.: introducing a system is easy, but realizing it to the full, and continuously adjusting it to constantly changing market reality is extremely hard. This is why we pay particular attention to properly identifying works that can cause serious and irrevocable damage to the health of our employees. This is why we introduced continuous monitoring actions concerned with workplace safety, periodic audits, and system maintenance. We insist on monitoring the conditions and organization of work, including employee behaviour and the results of their actions not only in so far as those relate to potential accidents or occupational hazards, but also in regard to potential less serious no-casualty incidents and related professional hazards. Inconsistencies identified during these monitoring actions and audits give basis for corrective or preventive action. A periodical complex system maintenance concludes this procedure. The aim is to evaluate the functioning of the system and to ensure its effectiveness in fulfilling regulations in force in regard to the safety policy. To conclude, then, in order for the introduced system to work it needs to be constantly monitored irrespectively of how much work such monitoring takes. Such a time investment results in fewer workplace accidents and fewer instances of occupational diseases, which translates into smaller losses resulting from employee absences, and in the long run the effectiveness of the Company is improved through the improving of work conditions.

K.D.: it is a philosophy of the whole organization. It is a way of thinking aimed at full workplace safety, to eliminate all potentially dangerous actions, including in regard to the Company’s responsibility to its employees and their families. Generally speaking, these rules strengthen the awareness of hazards and ingrain a responsible approach to these hazards, such as the necessity to introduce additional safety measures at the work station, in line with our motto “there is no job urgent enough that it cannot be done safely”. In the long run this reduces the Company’s business costs because there are no work slowdowns caused by absences, which means we are reducing losses.

K.D.: generally speaking, yes. We introduced a complete visual identification system visible in our facilities, as well as outside, when we work on external projects. The visual system was designed so that it resembles traffic lights: red signs mean ‘stop and check if the work station is properly prepared’ and are to cause strong cognitive stimulation that associates the sign with a potential hazard. Yellow signs mean ‘prepare for performing your job’ and are to activate and awaken creativity, whereas green signs mean ‘go ahead’ and are to maintain activity and encourage conceptual work. Additionally, we secured a room in the company – a storage room, which allows us to be fully equipped with specialist devices and tools, including elements of uniform for the employees, which we deliver to each employee both when they begin work, and during work, adhering to the ‘just in time’ rule. In effect, we provide appropriate equipment at the required level, ensuring safety standards in the workplace at each work station. Of course, our procedures describe supply specifications in great detail.

Cardinal rules, the maintenance of which allows to achieve the “ZERO ACCIDENTS” aim at the workplace:

I always use the required and workable personal protection tools

I never work under the influence of alcohol or drugs

I use only workable and certified tools and equipment

I make sure my work station is properly signed and designated

I keep my workplace clean

I immediately report all accidents and all potential accidents

As service contractor and producer in the sector of thermal engineering, power, engineering and steel construction, our aim is „ZERO ACCIDENTS”, relying on the rule „I AM AWARE, I AM RESPONSIBLE, I AM SAFE”. This allows us to keep to highest standards. We wish to guarantee the highest safety norms and to introduce a health risk prevention policy among our employees, taking also care to maintain a balanced business policy in the Company’s immediate surroundings. We are convinced that all workplace accidents can be prevented, all potential accidents and occupational diseases minimized. By adhering to all legal regulations, and monitoring and improving activities related to workplace safety we also aim to constantly raise safety standards. We ensure the crew has all the necessary resources to complete their job, and that all members constantly raise their qualifications. We also strive to improve the awareness of our crew in regard to the creation of a safe workplace, and support employee initiatives that aim to improve workplace safety. We promote safe behaviours and oblige all crew members to maintain the rules and procedures as well as the general workplace safety rules. Directors of all organizational units as well as all supervisory board members are responsible for educating, training, and motivating their subordinates and subcontractors”highlights Krzysztof Dreko, Chief Executive Director of ZEC SERVICE Sp. z o.o. [l.l.c.]

ZEC SERVICE Sp. z o.o.


ul. Łowiecka 24
50-220 Wrocław
tel. 71 32 38 650
tel. 71 32 38 660

Anna DrekoHealth and Safety Management System