Industry and energy services
We perform specialized diagnostic services, renovations, assembly and modernisation services for power stations and combined heat and power plants…
Production of details and components
We are highly experienced in the serial production of details and components for the railway and automotive industries…
Under contracts with business partners, we provide device and installation servicing as well as installation operational services…
Heat engineering
We perform design and execution works in all sectors connected to modernisations of heating systems, particularly in the realm of…
Heat trading
We are currently working on a project aimed to reduce air pollution via an increase in the availability of network heating…
Export works
We have been cooperating with CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) on a number of projects. Since 2002, we have been actively taking part in…
Heat trading – innovative complex heat operator service for Developers, Managers, and Owners.
ZEC SERVICE Sp. z o.o.
ul. Łowiecka 24
50-220 Wrocław
tel. +48 60 57 32 652
tel. +48 71 32 38 650